Professional Skepticism

on Saturday, March 6, 2010

Professional Skepticism - An attitude that includes a questioning mind and critical assessment of evidence.

This post idea came to me after contemplating the implications of a story a buddy told me the other day.  The extremely abbreviated version of the story includes him being kind enough to give a gentleman a ride to a church.  While on this ride, the man buttered him up with lies and sucked my friend in.  Before he knew it, he lost almost ten grand and couldn't do anything about it.  He wasn't held at gun-point and wasn't threatened in any way.  All this to say, even the smartest, bravest, strongest man can be had in the right situation.

In my profession, we are constantly reminded to exercise professional skepticism.  When I first started in public accounting, I was naive and inexperienced (a bad combination).  It didn't take me long to see first-hand the ways a client would (unintentionally) provide insufficient information.  After realizing what was happening, I knew I had to change my practices.  I began taking my time and not leaving the room until I completely understood the situation.  Even to the point of embarrassing myself up front by exposing my lack of knowledge. However, this practice would breed appropriate information and all parties involved would benefit.

I am not a glass half-empty guy.  I don't think big brother is spying on my house.  I do think the government is mishandling my tax dollars, but not to the point where I'm not going to pay.  I don't ignore total strangers, but I don't give people rides.  I do give money/food to the homeless because its between me and my God what I give them, and between them and theirs what they choose to do with it.  However, a little professional skepticism up front can cover a multitude of problems later on.  I don't want to have a friend miss a mortgage payment because they were too naive to realize what was happening.  When in doubt, take your time and think it through.  This practice will breed appropriate outcomes and all parties involved will benefit.
Just to keep things real, I've added the following picture for your enjoyment.


Erica said...

Said like a champ and made me smile for the day.

Anonymous said...

Hate to random but how is Mrs.Yeats she was my favorite tacher

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